Title: Pond Scum
Author: Alan Silberberg
Genre: Modern Fantasy
The young boy in this book, Oliver, has no friends and is very much a loner in his family. After his parents are divorced, Oliver, his sister Rachel, and his mother move to a new town. This town is very small and they move to a run-down house next to a pond. On the other side of this story are the pond creatures that form an Alliance to stop humans from living in the house. The leader is a black widow, Fat Mama, who has recently been put into power because the former leader was killed. There is also a head of the crows, The General who is in charge of the Black Angels and wants the power of the Alliance. One day, when Oliver is looking for an antennae for his TV, he crashes through the roof and finds a strange gold stone. He puts it in his pocket to try and figure out what it does. During school one day, he stuffs a half dead fly in his pocket and next thing he knows he becomes a fly in the boys bathroom. He soon discovers that when he has the gem in one hand and an animal of some sort in the other, he can change into it. This creates a whole new world of adventures and friends for Oliver. Soon he realizes The General's plan and sets out to change it. This story goes through friendship, betrayal, changing from human to animal and animal to human, and realizing that really all that matters in life is family and friends.
This book can be very educational for a class. It talks about the differences between amphibians and reptiles and totally different kinds of animals. This can be a great book to use to introduce the animal kingdom and the food chain. Students can create their own food chain for display in the classroom. It can also be used to show the importance of family and friends.
Author: Alan Silberberg
Genre: Modern Fantasy
The young boy in this book, Oliver, has no friends and is very much a loner in his family. After his parents are divorced, Oliver, his sister Rachel, and his mother move to a new town. This town is very small and they move to a run-down house next to a pond. On the other side of this story are the pond creatures that form an Alliance to stop humans from living in the house. The leader is a black widow, Fat Mama, who has recently been put into power because the former leader was killed. There is also a head of the crows, The General who is in charge of the Black Angels and wants the power of the Alliance. One day, when Oliver is looking for an antennae for his TV, he crashes through the roof and finds a strange gold stone. He puts it in his pocket to try and figure out what it does. During school one day, he stuffs a half dead fly in his pocket and next thing he knows he becomes a fly in the boys bathroom. He soon discovers that when he has the gem in one hand and an animal of some sort in the other, he can change into it. This creates a whole new world of adventures and friends for Oliver. Soon he realizes The General's plan and sets out to change it. This story goes through friendship, betrayal, changing from human to animal and animal to human, and realizing that really all that matters in life is family and friends.
This book can be very educational for a class. It talks about the differences between amphibians and reptiles and totally different kinds of animals. This can be a great book to use to introduce the animal kingdom and the food chain. Students can create their own food chain for display in the classroom. It can also be used to show the importance of family and friends.
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