Title: The Monsters of Morley Manor
Author: Bruce Coville
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Anthony is a sixth-grader living in Owl's Roost, Nebraska, with his florist parents and his annoying but lovable younger sister Sarah. While his parents are out of town and his Gramma is staying with them, he and his sister visit an estate sale at the spooky Morley Manor. Sarah is given a box from a man that looks like Old Man Morley, who has just passed away. When they get home, he opens it and finds 5 curious figurines: a dinosaur-headed man, a hunchback, a dog-faced man, a vampire woman, and a snake-haired woman. When one figurine accidentally gets wet, it seems to come partly to life. Soon, they determine that giving them all water will bring them totally to life. These little critters are soon alive and telling the story that they are in fact humans and need to be restored to their bodies. This begins a totally twisted adventure and story for Anthony and Sarah. Everyone becomes involved soon enough. Everyone from Gramma and Grampa to Old Man Morley to vampires and creatures from worlds beyond. Soon, Anthony realizes that his family is very important and you never realize which day could be your last especially when you're dealing with odd creatures.
This story could lead to a very fun lesson, and a very serious one. I would definitely gear this book towards 5th graders. It has a serious note that could scare some smaller children. The fun one would be to have the children create their own monsters and stories about each of them. It can be a writing lesson in science fiction and fantasy which they may have not done before. It would require creative writing and a sense of adventure. The other lesson would be more focused on making each day count. We could talk about the small things in life and why family is so important. I could have the students make a list of what is most important to them and why they should cherish it each and every day. It can give them a new appreciation for life.
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