Title: Who Was King Tut?
Author: Roberta Edwards
Illustrated by: True Kelley
Genre: Biography/Non-Fiction
This is the story of Ancient Egypt and in particular a young pharaoh, King Tut. Each chapter of this book discusses a different aspect of Egypt and King Tut. It talks about his father Pharaoh Amenhotep and his mother Ankhesenamun. Scientists aren't sure if these are his parents or not, but research points to them. It speaks about the culture of Egypt and the great land that the pharaoh's ruled. King Tut is one of the more famous pharaoh's not because he had a long rule, but because he was a very young pharaoh and his tomb is one of the only to be found with the mummy still in it. He only ruled 9 years and died at the young age of only 18 or 19.
I think this book can be used so many ways within my classroom. This book can be used to discover Ancient Egypt because it gives so much information about the culture and history. It can be used to have a lesson about pharaoh's - who they were, what they did, and why they were so important. A lesson could also be done about different religions and beliefs. There are many lessons that can be used with this book, which I really like. When a book can be applied to various lessons, it is worth reading.
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